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Maximiland: Rosh, continued

Sorry it's been so long without an update! I won't bore you all with excuses; here are the goods for this week!

Eric slammed the door shut and immediately set upon Rosh. “You have to tell me what went on today. Please.” Eric returned to his lonesome beer and downed what was left in a single desperate gulp. “My heart and my head are literally about to burst with worry on a daily basis, love. Please.” Rosh sighed and walked closer to Eric, then leaned on the bar, at eye level with him. “I don’t want to explain shit right now, Eric. I don’t even want to think right now. I came here… just to be with you.” He stood up straight and took Eric’s hands, placing them both on his chest. “Please. Just for a few hours. Maybe even just tonight. One date, please. Then I’ll explain.” Eric’s eyes lit up. “Okay, Cassanova, I’m all yours. Let’s go get dressed. I have some clothes that will fit you… I’d imagine you don’t want to go out in armor.”

Walking to Gravelly Point didn’t take the two lovers quite as long as they had thought it would. Even with a cooler along for the ride, they reached the spot with an hour or so of sunset left, just as the stars were beginning to come out and dance for them. The pair sat down on the grass and began unpacking their picnic supplies. A modest-looking potato salad sat in an ornate bowl, alongside strawberries, apples, and plenty of wine. A shimmering blue bubble surrounded the pair, then faded into the sky. “Invisibility, I take it?”, Eric asked. Rosh’s sudden nudity answered his question. “God, it feels good to really take a load off and let my guard down for once.”, he sputtered as he stepped out of his boxers, then fell backwards into the soft grass. Eric followed suit, and the two fell together into a heap. “Laying naked on the grass, watching the sunset and the planes, eating good food and guzzling wine… not a typical date, eh?”, Rosh sighed happily.

Eric rubbed his nose against Rosh’s playfully. “You’re never going to let me forget about how you used your powers to woo me, are you?” Rosh flipped Eric on his back and kissed him gently. “Oh, babe, you’re gonna be telling our kids that story one day, believe me.” Eric responded by pulling Rosh on top of him. The two laid skin to skin, appreciating the sound of one another’s heartbeats for a good few minutes. Their reverie was interrupted by Rosh’s stomach making a sound not unlike a car going over a dirt road. Eric let go of his lover, allowing him to get at the goodies that they had brought along. “I can’t… mmff… remember the last time…” Eric interrupted him. “The last time we had a decent date night without a care?” Rosh nodded, stuffing another handful of potato salad into his mouth. The pair simply sat together, ate, and partook of the wine in silence for another hour or so. Once the sun was completely gone, Rosh lifted them and their supplies into the air, invisibility bubble and all. The two took off toward Eric’s house. A pair of glowing blue eyes watched them intently. “Hooligans.”, a man scoffed.

Thomas was a scraggly fellow, but made up for it by dressing in rather lavish suits and wearing wild hairstyles. Today, he departed Gravelly Point in a creamy white number, complemented by a rose in his lapel pin, and matching rose-red hair in shocking spikes falling down his brow. The spikes bounced as he made his way back to his car, gently fondling his keys through his pocket out of habit. “This is not over, Rosh Durvis.”, he muttered as the driver side door of his classic sports car creaked open. “I will be watching you until our forces are ready, and as soon as we regroup, you are finished!” Thomas cackled to himself and gave the steering wheel before him a punch as the old car roared to life. For a brief second, his emotions got the best of him and a sheer red bubble of energy surrounded the car. He snapped it off in a fraction of a second, hoping nobody had seen, and drove back toward the highway. He knew a long night of rebuilding was in store for he and his fellow employees, and he wasn’t sure exactly why he didn’t mind that very much.

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