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Gerard: How Alicia Got Here

Who or what brought Alicia to the castle, and why? How is she being brought back to life? What will happen when she leaves the castle? Find out... eventually. For now, enjoy. 

Just a few hours ago, Alicia had been quite dead, laying in the local cemetery She was reliving her death, over and over again; the overdose that finally showed her, far too late, that she had a serious problem. All she was really aware of in that moment was the smattering of drugs before her. It had been quite a hard week, as it always was in this eternal loop, and she felt again that she could finally unwind. Marijuana to take the edge off. Cocaine to make her feel invincible. Alcohol to numb the pain. Mushrooms to enter another reality. One by one, the poisons made their way into her system. By the time she took the mushrooms, she was an uncoordinated mess, barely coherent and not quite able to stand up straight. She waited, seated on the couch for five minutes or so, for the mushrooms to kick in. When they did, the new reality was a hellish nightmare. Monsters roamed about, some larger than the average cloud and others looming in from outer space. Blood flowed in the streets. Screams echoed all around. This was new, and quite frightening. Alicia spent only a few panicked minutes in this new reality before popping awake, stone sober and feeling far more corporeal than she had since becoming aware of her death about six months ago.

A very stereotypical-looking demon floated in front of the couch that Alicia rested on, all red skin and curling horns. In its right hand, it held an ornate knife. In its left, a mug of frothy beer, condensation dripping from the sides and bottom. Alicia tried to leap up from the couch, but her body wouldn’t respond. “Don’t bother, dear.”, the demon hissed. “In your weakened state, I had no problem paralyzing you. You have your boyfriend to thank for this.” It gulped down the beer, then threw the mug aside, scooped her up in its muscular arms, and flew out the front door, off the apartment building’s balcony, and out into the night sky. An ominous-looking castle hovered in the distance. The demon tightened its grip just a bit, and Alicia could no longer breathe. She fought as hard as she could, but could not convince her body to mount a defense, and passed out before even one minute was up.

Alicia awoke in a dark room, strapped down to a table. Panic filled her being, and she began to thrash about. It wasn’t until splinters found their way into her bare buttocks that she figured out that she was nude. Regardless, she continued to thrash about, shaking the wooden table that she was on ever so slightly. It took a good few minutes for the panic to subside, and Alicia had mostly exhausted herself by thrashing about. Still, her mind was clear now, and she began to look around for a way out. As luck would have it, her restraints were loose and crooked, as if done in a hurry. She turned her right wrist and slipped her hand out slowly, then freed herself. She felt unreal again, as she always had since dying. Still, this was something entirely new, and she had a feeling that she wouldn’t be able to get back to her personal hell even if she wanted to. Thus, she left the room and wandered the halls of the place, the cobblestone walkways and rough carpets not doing her bare feet any favors.

After what seemed like hours of roaming, she wound up back in the room that she had awakened in. The table that she had been laid upon was now gone, replaced by what looked to be a man in a suit, with sharp blue eyes and close-cropped blonde hair. “The castle’s magic is rebuilding you, you know.”, it said as she approached. “Soon, you’ll be alive again, though not quite the same.” Alicia shook her head. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?! Where am I, anyway?” she shouted. The man stood up and grinned at her. “My my, what a tasty specimen. Even presented sans clothing for me. I dare say, if you weren’t off-limits, my dear, I would show you sex like you would not believe.” The man nodded as he walked over to a chest of drawers that Alicia had failed to notice before. “Anyway, perhaps these will be of use to you.” He produced a set of stiletto heels and an evening gown; the same outfit Alicia had died in. “How did you… I…”, she stammered. The man shook his head. “No words, dear, just put these on and go. Gerard is here, and he needs you. Just don’t tell anybody about me.” Before she could sputter another half-word, the man disappeared into thin air. No poof, no sound, no smoke, just gone. The dress and heels were there. More than a little scared, Alicia reluctantly donned the outfit, figuring it better than going nude and barefoot.

More roaming had seen Alicia encounter a few monstrosities, which she attempted to dispatch with her meager Tai Chi Chuan learnings, and was surprised to find that she was successful. A long trek brought her to a room with a fountain. Feeling very thirsty from the long walk, she took a drink. The door handle shook, and she reflexively dove for cover. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Why was Gerard here? What we he wearing? Was that a sword on his hip? She watched as he laid down by the fountain, unable to find the words she wanted. She just wanted him, to feel his warmth again. She waited until she was sure he was asleep, then laid down next to him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, and watched him sleep.

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