It didn’t take long for paramedics to make the scene, along with a large number of heavily armed police officers. An officer in a standard uniform and badge, standing in stark contrast to her armored teammates, approached Dylan slowly, almost cautiously. Her deep green eyes caught the light just so, her auburn hair swaying gently behind her. “Dylan…”, she muttered, “I should have known I’d be seeing you again when all this shit started up.” Genuinely taken aback, Dylan gasped, “Agatha, what on Earth do you mean by that?” The beautiful cop shook her head. “Nothing, nothing. How are Rachel and Terra holding up?” She nodded to the mother and baby sitting on the curb next to an unconscious Haruka. “They’re stronger than they look, officer.” Dylan threw an arm around Agatha. “Regardless of circumstances, it is most joyous to be in your presence again.” She nodded. “Same to you, Dylan. I’m glad you and yours are… well, mostly OK.” She pointed to Haruka. “Did you know… about her?” Dylan shook his head slowly. “Not until tonight, honestly. She was always just an exchange student from Nagano City, to us.” “So, then… what now?” Dylan bucked up, puffing out his chest. “Haruka is family. Mutant or supernatural powers or none, family is family. We go where she goes, no matter who or what else follows.” Agatha nodded briskly. “That’s the attitude that almost got you into my pants in high school, Dylan the Durandal.” Dylan’s face flushed. “Anyway, let’s go over and see how she’s doing, huh? Plus, if we want to get to the hospital in time to room with your injured friend, , we should leave soon.” Agatha strode over to Terra, gave her a soft hug, then bent down and kissed Rachel on the nose. “Let’s get a move on, you guys.”
They could see Agatha’s patrol SUV from the window of the hospital room where they awaited Aaron. Paramedics had said he was mostly fine, that the blow had missed vital organs and done minimal spinal damage. He would be walking again in a matter of weeks… and perhaps able to fight again, eventually. “I’ll do my best to suppress this incident. We’ve already paid off the homeowner who saw Victor’s head, along with a few others who were able to describe the fight.” Agatha got up slowly and walked over to Haruka. Five years had taken its toll on the girl, but she still seemed chipper and full of life, even now, as she stared wistfully off into space with tears running down her face. “Hello, Agatha.”, Haruka sighed without making eye contact. Just to catch her off guard, Agatha seized Haruka’s face and planted a kiss on her forehead. “Hey.”, she said softly, “Everything will be OK, kiddo. You’ll see.” Haruka pierced Agatha with a longing gaze. “You say that like you really believe it.” Agatha smiled widely and nodded. “If what the witnesses said about your performance in the fight with Victor was true, then with our help, you and your family will be able to make it through to the end of whatever is going on.” Agatha turned away from Haruka to look out the window, scanning the sea as the first waves of sunlight began to hit it. “It’s too bad about Victor… at one point, he was a wonderful man, and one hell of an officer. Whatever happened five years ago with him and Aaron. “I can tell you all about it”, a deep voice boomed from the doorway. Aaron strolled into the hospital room with orderlies trailing behind him. “What I can’t really tell you all about is how I’m not dead right now.” Haruka gasped. “Uncle Aaron!” She ran to him and threw her arms around him, eliciting a grunt. “Kid, kid!”, he winced, “Just because my healing factor is nothing short of miraculous doesn’t mean I’m not sore…” Haruka loosened her grip a bit, but refused to let go of the beloved uncle she feared she had lost only a few moments ago.
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