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MaximiLand Chapter 3 - Rosh

Sorry for the long absence! For those who wanted to know a bit more about what Rosh is really like, well, here you go. Let's give Lena and Elijah a break for a chapter, huh? More surprises coming later this weekend! 
DISCLAIMER: This was written very, very drunk, and not proofread by anybody sober. Why? Because I believe this is the best way to break a painful two week writing fast. Don't question the madness, dearies, just read it. <3


Rosh took to the skies alongside the strange woman and her beheaded boyfriend, then split off to go his own way. He wasn’t planning on going home, however. He was headed off to see his own lover. “Nothing makes you grateful for the dearest people in your life than mortal terror…”, he sighed. A purple streak lit up the sky as he flew ever faster toward the love he had left behind to take the fight to the enemy.

Another tear fell into Eric’s beer. He didn’t know what Rosh had been talking about when he left, but the news of two apparent supernatural entities tearing apart the MaximiLand mega-park in D.C. made him fairly certain of what had happened. He had no way of knowing if his love was safe - Rosh was never one for a cell phone, and Eric did not have the same psychic gifts that Rosh had. He took a heavy swig of the beer and let it wash at his emotions like a wave at a rocky shore. A sudden noise overhead, loud enough to rock the floor under Eric’s feet, compelled him to set his beer down and have a look outside.

Eric’s heart fluttered and sank at the same time. Rosh was locked in combat in the sky above Eric’s house. He watched as some sort of bird-lizard hybrid tore into his lover’s armor with its claws. A sword made its way to the target faster than Eric could see, but the bird fell back and avoided the sliver of sunlight. Bullets tore through the air, and the bird flipped away and upward to avoid those, too. A jet of flame whooshed from Rosh’s wrist, following the bird as it whipped through the air. All the while, Rosh pursued the bird with his sword at point. The two made a figure 8, then a loop, then a chaotic tailspin to the ground together. The bird’s wings transformed into muscular arms, covered in green scales. Hideous fangs grew from the folds of its beak. “Give up!”, it hissed at Rosh in a grating voice. Rosh flew forward and swiped four times, waiting for the bird’s fourth dodge to try peppering it with bullets by predicting where it would go.

The creature made the mistake of trying to sidestep the spray of bullets, meeting instead with Rosh’s powerful bare fist. An uppercut sent the creature into the air, where Rosh lined up his iron sights, then littered the creature with holes. It shrieked in pain, and whipped about in the air as if it couldn’t decide which way it needed to go. It practically ran into Rosh’s sword as it swung in a lazy arc. The creature’s head hit the ground with a light thud, then the entire corpse dissolved into smoke before the rest of it could fall from the air.

Eric watched the terrifying spectacle from the front yard, waiting for his airborne lover to alight at his side. Rosh tried his best to come down gracefully, but the best he could manage in his tired state was slamming to the ground a few feet from Eric. He pulled himself from the ground and grabbed Eric in a tight embrace, shutting down the words of stern worry that were forming. Eric wrapped his arms tightly around Rosh, wishing he would never have to let go. Rosh pushed his lips into Eric’s neck, then opened his mouth and bit down hard. A bit of blood rolled onto his tongue, and Eric shuddered violently as a moan escaped his lips. “Rosh, I-” Eric’s protest was cut off by a hard kiss. Rosh’s tongue pushed forth insatiably. Eric always told Rosh to kiss him a bit more gently, but secretly enjoyed having his mouth forcefully invaded. When the kiss finally broke off, the two breathless lovers locked eyes. “Fearing for my life made me really… grateful for you.”, Rosh stammered. Eric couldn’t find the words he wanted, so he simply buried his face in Rosh’s neck. The two walked inside Eric’s modest home arm in arm.

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